We’re so grateful to all}PROVIDE for generously donating 2 boxes of their high-quality raw dog food for one of our foster dogs!
Recently, a 4 1/2 year old labradoodle, Rocko, was surrendered to Pet Partners. He was on Trazodone for anxiety & regular shots / prescription medicine for obsessive licking of his paws, which was diagnosed by his veterinarian as allergy related. His owner was doing everything she could for him, including expensive kibble. Our foster, Pam, was familiar with all}PROVIDE’s products & began weaning him off his kibble & onto a more nutritious diet. As his meals decreased in kibble, she noticed a correlating decrease in vomiting, excessive water intake, constant scratching, & dog aggressive behavioral concerns.
With this donation, Rocko will continue to thrive as our dedicated team of fosters works to place him in the perfect home – & his new owner will have the nutritional keys for his continued success!
If your dog or cat could benefit from a clean, nutrient-dense diet, please consider purchasing from our kind friends at all}PROVIDE by clicking the link below!